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08062845845Use on all surfaces: can be used bathroom surface, kitchen fixtures, corian and formica countertops, stainless steel, sealed granite countertops, glazed ceramic tiles, sealed marble countertops, glass, exterior surfaces of appliances, windows, appliances with enameled paint, plastic, vinyl, aluminium, microwave ovens, refrigerator inside and out Features and benefits
Safe for children, pets, all household surfaces
Natural, non-toxic, hypoallergenic, vegan, gluten-free, biodegradableContract blood vessels to tighten pores
Helps to decrease pore size and improve skin tone and promotes fluid flushing in the face
Strengthen the collagen fibers, make the skin firm and elastic, smoothen wrinkles and crows feet
Purify the hazardous waste with venous return and detox
Reduce varicose veins and thin rib floating